CATA Writers Workshop: A Winter Reading
What do a rock star, a mechanic, and CATA have in common? The CATA Writers Workshop! Our Writers Workshop closed out the year with an informal reading for their friends and classmates at the CATA Studio....
What do a rock star, a mechanic, and CATA have in common? The CATA Writers Workshop! Our Writers Workshop closed out the year with an informal reading for their friends and classmates at the CATA Studio....
How many times has someone composed a ukulele ode in your honor? Last Friday, an intimate crowd of 150 friends, family members and caregivers gathered at Berkshire South for our annual Holiday Sharing—we can hardly imagine a...
Your gift could count double! A group of anonymous donors have banded together to issue a Match Challenge to our wider community. If CATA can raise $25,000 in new or increased gifts by December 31, 2017, the anonymous...
Your support has led us to a milestone anniversary! When CATA held its first Arts In / Arts Out workshops in 1993, founder Sandra Newman sought to unleash the creative talents of people with disabilities, using...
Cathy Crofut, an individual who attends day programs at BCArc, creates deeply vibrant and energetic large-scale paintings using the innovative Artistic Realization Technologies (A.R.T.) technique to place each stroke, color and gesture on the canvas. In...