Arts In / Arts Out

“CATA has given me my art. I never knew I had this in me.” –Carol (CATA artist)



In CATA’s core program, artists with disabilities participate in arts workshops taught by faculty who are working artists in their fields. Arts In / Arts Out workshops provide stimulating and creative opportunities for CATA artists to develop new skills and achieve broader goals.


Workshops take place across Berkshire and Columbia counties in residences, day habilitation programs, schools, and eldercare settings, as well as in CATA’s beautiful studios in Great Barrington, MA.


2023-2024 Studio Workshops:

Click here to see our current roster of CATA workshops taking place in our Great Barrington studios.
Note: In addition to the workshops listed, we also partner with day programs, schools, community centers, and nursing homes to offer inclusive arts programs all across the community.


New to CATA?

Click here to fill out a short form and we’ll be in touch to share how you can start making art at CATA!

CATA’s Arts In / Arts Out workshops include:

Creative Writing



Modern Dance

Singing and Songwriting

Tap Dance


Visual Art

(painting, drawing, sculpture, etc)


Abstract landscape painting with horizontal stripes of various colors. From Bottom to top: red, black, orange, yellow, orange, green, purple, blue, purple. Layered on top of painting are small amounts of white splatter paint.

And more!

CATA’s work is deeply collaborative. We partner with 52 organizations to bring arts programs to 1,000 people with disabilities. CATA’s program partners include:

Berkshire County Arc (BCArc)
Berkshire Family & Individual Resources (BFAIR)
Berkshire Hills Regional School District
Blue Q
Branches School of the Berkshires
Cadmus Lifesharing Association
Central Berkshire Regional School District
Columbia County Arc (Coarc)
Dalton CRA
High Spirit Community Farm
Hoosac Valley Regional School District
Integritus Healthcare
Leander House

Lee Middle & High School
Lenox Memorial Middle & High School
North Adams Public Schools
Oakdale Residences
Oak Lodge
Pittsfield Public Schools
Riverbrook Residence
Southern Berkshire Regional School District
Stanton Home
Taconic Hills Central School District
UCP of Western Massachusetts

CATA would also like to thank the following organizations for hosting CATA workshops and events (prior to the pandemic):


Moving Arts Exchange (MAX)
Berkshire South Regional Community Center